UX-/CRO-Consultation For a unique user experience

Why UX with us?

  • Target-audience-specific consultation
  • We think with you: Collective knowledge in UX, SEO & content
  • Tailored recommendations for action

We See Through Your Users' Eyes

Functionality and aesthetics determine user satisfaction, just as the value of your content does. We scrutinize your website closely, identifying weaknesses that might tarnish the user experience. Our consultations on User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), and Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) often go hand in hand. For a detailed data foundation, tool-supported heatmaps and user recordings can be collected and subsequently qualitatively evaluated.

Our services in the area of UX & CRO

UX Analyse Icon

UX analysis

  • Examination of above-the-fold content (mobile & desktop)
  • Navigation & content structure
  • Form analysis
  • General user flow
  • Indications of functional errors
User Interface Icon

User interface

  • Consistency in UI
  • Typography
  • Color schemes
  • Image style
  • Graphic elements
CRO-Audit Icon

CRO audit

  • Recommendations for conversion optimisation
  • Accessibility
  • CTA check (Call to Action)
  • Competitive comparison
  • Data collection (heatmaps, recordings, best practices), data analysis, and data interpretation
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What Your UX/CRO Consultation looks like with artaxo

Illustration eines Mannes, der vor einem aufgeklappten Laptop sitzt. Im Hintergrund sind Design-Elemente zu sehen.

Aesthetics, Language & Emotions

We examine your user interface (UI): Do color and typography choices align? Do visual elements complement the context or appear out of place? Is the language appropriate? How are emotions precisely triggered? Because design and language contribute significantly to whether users want to stay with you or look for something new.

Illustration eines Mannes, der vor einem Monitor sitzt. In der rechten Hand hält er ein Smartphone.

Functionality & Navigation

We advise you intensively and inspiringly: Design your website to be simpler, more attractive, and more intuitive.

How users experience your website has a significant impact on conversion. Therefore, we focus on how to lead users to their goals optimally and how to make this journey as appealing as possible.

Illustration einer Frau, die einen A-B-Test betrachtet

Sustainable Conversion Optimization

At the end of each analysis, there are individual and concrete actionable recommendations. With these, you can achieve sustainable conversion optimization and a better understanding of your users.

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What is important to us in our cooperation

  • We rely on honest communication at eye level.
  • For us, serious SEO means not making empty promises.
  • We see ourselves as your partner – we have the same goal in mind: to make your website successful.
  • We are SEO experts, but always take a holistic approach.
Das artaxo-Team im Büro in Hamburg
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We master online marketing challenges – for strong brands in every industry.
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Our clients

Fitness First LogoKunstkopie.de LogosmileX Logortv media group Logo

We are more than happy with artaxo's CRO analysis. After a quick analysis of the processes, both short-term and long-term solutions were presented surprisingly quickly

Jan Zobel
Website & SEO Specialist @ smile X
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Frequently asked questions

You have further questions? Perhaps you will already find an answer here. If not, don't hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you!